A necessary c section – breech baby

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 a necessary c section -breech by Andy Mayer


So you have done your preparation classes, you have been practicing relaxation techniques, deep breathing and have worked out a game plan for the day. You are approaching your 2nd to last ante natal appointment and so far everything has been just fine.

The day comes and the ultra sound announces you have a baby in the breech position with some additional complications.

When things don’t go to plan it can be disappointing  and you may  feel all your effort was in vain. Quite the contrary, your efforts have given you self satisfaction, pride in knowing you did everything you could and an opportunity to prepare really well for the c section.

Kristine stated her concerns  below about having a c section due to her baby being breech.

“ My concerns with the C Section are not being able to breastfeed due to the anaesthetic, or something going wrong with the spinal anaesthetic or during the procedure, When I’ll be able to be up and around so I can take care of my little boy properly and the baby’s immune system being compromised due to having a caesarean.”

Like many NobleBirth parents she had been preparing for a vaginal, drug free birth. She was initially disappointed by the findings but said ,

“It wasn’t exactly what I had hoped for or expected but everything happens for a reason and I’m just looking forward to giving him a cuddle now. I feel more calm and at peace about everything now. I still have my moments but try to reign things in as soon as the emotions come on. “ 

So we are in dialogue about what to do about those concerns and have a satisfactory enjoyable c section and a feel confident going into the experience.

5 things you can do to prepare for c section.

1. by listening to the Fear Release  you can eliminate any fears of pregnancy, surgery( birth), parenting. In place of choosing the  contraction sensations you can choose what sensation you will feel in the surgery; tugging, pulling, stretching.

2. by listening to a Place in Nature you can relax each evening and focus on growing a healthy baby ready for birth

  1. by doing a birth plan you can fully prepare and negotiate with your health care provider about certain practices you can and cannot have in surgery and post natally
  2. learn about the procedure from start to finish and understand the actual surgery takes a very short while.
  3. Ask for additional bonding techniques promoted by the hospital and how you can initiate breastfeeding after an aneasthetic  some hospitals have a specially assigned c section post natal midwife to assist you in breastfeeding and bonding.

Kristine’s situation is unique because the ultrasound showed the baby’s cord waswrapped around his neck. Had her baby just been breech without the additional complications, she said she would have continued with her game plan of turning her breech baby with alternative methods which often have very successful outcomes,  such as moxibustion and  alternative pre natal mother positioning.

I look forward to hearing of Kristine’s  c section experience now she has done further preparation.

andy xo


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